
  • The Joke's On You! Beware Personal Injury Claims When Halloween Goes Wrong

    Halloween is a lot of fun for those who like to scare others, but this year it is important you know where to draw the line between prank and potential harm. The story of a Universal Studios' patron who got too much fright on Halloween night has been reported online, but the more scary stuff involves you as a home owner, and the possibility of potential lawsuits. Here are three things you need to know before the trick-or-treaters arrive at your door this Halloween. [Read More]

  • Winter Parking Lots: 5 Hazards That Can Cause An Accident

    Winter is a popular time for retail shopping centers as people browse for holiday gifts, big family dinners, and cold-weather products. The time to shop can also create a number of hazards in the parking lot as winter weather arrives. Snow, freezing rain, and blizzards can create a giant mess in a parking lot and eventually lead to auto accidents. If you've been involved in a parking lot accident, then there are five possible hazards that could have made the retail store liable for damages. [Read More]

  • Can You Sue An Airline Or Airport For Personal Injury?

    While flying can be a quick and effective way to get from one point to another, and is often the only way to travel to some far-flung areas or islands, it can also be a pain -- sometimes literally. One recent airline passenger is suing the airline for back injuries he allegedly suffered while contorted next to an obese, coughing seat-mate. While this is certainly an extreme occurrence, you may at some point find yourself dealing with injuries related to turbulence, food poisoning, or even tripping on a moving sidewalk that has gone off its tracks. [Read More]

  • Wrongful Death: 5 Impacts You May Suffer at Home

    The initial impact of a death can be devastating. As the shock wears off, the emotional pain can only get worse at home. Instead of just going through the pain, a wrongful death attorney can open up a case. A potential wrongful death settlement not only covers the loss of a loved one, but it also covers the pain and suffering that comes along with it. Every case is different, but the following five impacts can happen directly at home and have an effect on the outcome of your case. [Read More]

  • Suicide And Injuries From Suicide Attempts May Be Covered By Workers' Comp

    In general, workers' compensation only pays for injuries sustained from accidents that occur in the workplace. This type of insurance typically will not pay benefits to employees or their family members if the employees commit suicide—or hurt themselves during the attempt—while on the job. However, there is an exception to this rule. Here's what you need to know about this exception and what's required to collect benefits in this situation. [Read More]

  • 2 Reasons Why Suing For Legal Malpractice Is More Difficult Than You Think

    If you're involved in a criminal or civil court case, and you're unhappy with the representation that you received from your lawyer, you may at some point consider suing the lawyer. This type of personal injury suit is known as a legal malpractice suit. But suing a lawyer for making mistakes in your case is tricky. One reason for this is that legal malpractice is often tough for a client to identify. [Read More]

  • Understanding Damages In A Personal Injury Case

    If you find yourself on the plaintiff end of a car accident case, you might be awarded damages. Damages are awarded to plaintiffs if a judge rules in favor of them. If you have hired a car accident lawyer after your accident, you might be wondering just exactly what he is talking about when he speaks about seeking damages for your injury. Throughout the course of this article, you will learn about the purpose of damages and about the different types such as general compensatory damages, specific compensatory damages and punitive damages. [Read More]

  • Pushing Through The Personal Injury Myths: The Truth About Filing A Claim

    Few things can lead to as much confusion and discussion as a personal injury case. There are so many misconceptions about personal injury lawsuits that it can be hard to figure out what's actually true. If you've been injured and are wondering about filing a suit, the best place to start is to clear up the confusion. Here's a look at some of the most common mistaken assumptions about personal injury law and the actual truth behind each one. [Read More]

  • 5 Ways To Tell If You Need A Personal Injury Attorney

    Personal injury cases come from many different scenarios, such as auto accidents, slip-and-fall incidents, dog bites, and medical malpractice. If you been in an accident recently and suffered injuries as a result, you might be debating whether or not to seek legal advice. Maybe you're concerned about finances or you just don't think you have a case. Either way, here are five good indications you need to consult with a personal injury attorney following your injury. [Read More]

  • What You Should Do If A Flying Object Causes You Problems On The Road

    You've seen them before -- those cars and trucks loaded haphazardly with mattresses, shovels, kayaks or furniture. And then there are those commercial trucks hauling logs or other large items that you know could crush you if they weren't loaded properly. If you're like most people, you probably try to avoid driving directly behind those vehicles. But what should you do if you have no other choice and then -- horror of horrors -- something comes loose from one of those vehicle and strikes your car or causes you to get in an accident? [Read More]